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Preliminary Registration Card

* Please send the card to us by postal or E-mail until July 15(Wed), 2015 after collating information in International Section of each institution.

Address Center for International Exchange, Aichi University of Education
1 Hirosawa, Igaya-cho, Kariya-city, Aichi, Japan 448-8542
Tel +81-566-26-2179
E-mail icues2015
* Please add [@m.auecc.aichi-edu.ac.jp] to complete the address.


* Presenter (including Oral and Poster) should inform the above abstract (A4 paper 1 page, in English <within 200 words> & Native language) to the following E-mail until July 31(Fri), 2015.

E-mail icues2015
* Please add [@m.auecc.aichi-edu.ac.jp] to complete the address.
